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Puzzle Pirates Gunning Bot


We are proud to announce the release of our Gunning Bot, which will allow pirates to hunt for gunpowder without having to sail the seas themselves. It's never been easier than this! All you need is a cannon, and you can attack other ships for their gunpowder without ever leaving your home! This bot is perfect for pirate captains who don't want or can not spend time sailing themselves. You could be watering your garden while it sails for you, or taking care of that pesky sister-in-law next door. There are many ways you could spend your time with the bot. This is a 24/7, 365 days a year operation. You can use it in idle time or in real time. The only requirement is that you own a cannon with at least 50 wear, and an internet connection. No need for restarts either! Just set all the controls and hit "Launch!" and it's off to sea. We will walk you through the setup of this feature in detail below: 1) Go to the shipwright tab, and purchase a cannon with 50 or more wear on it. Make sure the cannon is non-reloadable. Also buy a boat with a storeroom. Place the boat and sail it to a port that has a gunpowder trade route. You can find this by going to the Cannon tab under Game Info > Trade Routes You might need to refresh your boat's port status after you place it in order for it to show up correctly under Port Status > In Port 2) Take out your cannon from your ship inventory, and right click on it. This will open up your options for the cannon. 3) You'll notice that you have two options for the cannon, "Operate" and "Manage." Under manage, you can set all of your options including attacking ships for their gunpowder. 4) The first thing you'll want to do is click on the button that says "Set All Options." This will take you to a screen where you can set everything for your bot, including what it will attack. For the bot to stay in town while attacking ships with no one on board, click on "No Action. Set Bot to Stay in Port." 5) Now, go back to the "Gunpowder Bot" page. There will be a check box that says "Stay in port." Make sure this is checked. Your cannon will now stay in your home port until you choose to release it by right-clicking the cannon again. 6) On this page, you can set how much gunpowder you want your bot to load on board before attacking ships for their gunpowder. For the bot to take all the gunpowder it can find, simply uncheck "Load Minimal Ammo" and press Enter twice to unload any ammo already loaded on board the ship. eccc085e13



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